Breast Uplift Surgery
Breast Uplift Surgery
2-3 hoursAnaesthesia:
General anaesthesiaBack To Work:
1 nightHospitalisation:
2 weeks depending on job activitiesCost:
5,000-8,500 eurosBreast Uplift (Mastopexy)
A breast lift, clinically referred to as a Mastopexy is the surgical procedure used to raise the breasts and reshape stretched or sagging breast tissue. Breast uplift can be combined with breast enlargement to achieve better cosmetic results.
Below we answer the questions that are posed to us most frequently during consultations.
Who is an ideal candidate for Breast Uplift Surgery? What are the benefits?
A breast uplift restores a more youthful appearance to sagging, drooping breasts with inadequate volume. It is carried out to improve the position, shape, and breast contour, depending on the patient’s needs and aesthetic goals. Women who consider undergoing this procedure are motivated not only by the significant effect the flawed appearance of the breasts has on their confidence but also by the profound psychological impact on self-esteem and body image. This is a life-enhancing procedure and for some women, it offers a unique course of treatment to restore emotional well-being.
Is Mastopexy a common procedure?
Although breast uplift surgery is not as popular as breast augmentation, it is still a standard procedure, and the results provide an array of emotional and physical benefits.
Can Breast Uplift Surgery be combined with Breast Augmentation?
A mastopexy can be performed in conjunction with breast-augmentation to reshape the breasts and increase cup size in a one-step procedure.
What is a Breast Uplift?
A breast uplift is performed to raise the breasts by removing and tightening excess, stretched skin and repositioning the nipple area. The surgeon marks out the incision patterns on the breasts and takes measurements. Pre-operative marking is an essential part of the planning stage, and it provides an invaluable visual explanation of the procedure for the patient. Patients who want fuller, lifted breasts can consider the idea of breast implants combined with a mastopexy.
Why do plastic surgeons use pre-operative marking?
Surgeons always make accurate pre-operative markings before anaesthesia, with the patient standing. Marking out the incision pattern on the skin gives the surgeon a clear guide for incision placement. Besides, it allows the patient to visualise the scars before surgery. For patients who are undergoing combined surgery, this process provides an outline of breast size and the breast pocket to support the implant.
What about the scars following a Breast Lift?
The scars are located at the nipple-area, or there is a vertical scar from the repositioned nipple/areola to the breast crease. For patients who require more dramatic reshaping to correct extensive sagging, there is a scar along the inframammary fold, referred to as an inverted T or anchor-shaped scar.
Are the scars noticeable?
There are no scars above the nipple area; therefore, underwear can easily hide residual scarring.
Can the appearance of scars be improved?
In some cases, it is possible to improve the appearance of residual scarring to achieve better cosmetic results. Scar revision is carried out with non-surgical treatments, with a local anaesthetic. However, it is vital to establish that while the appearance of scars can be visibly improved, they are an unavoidable result of surgery and cannot be eliminated.
What are the benefits of using implants in Breast Lift Surgery?
Using breast implants achieves better cosmetic results for women who want to combine a lift with an increase in volume, and for those who desire a fuller shape in the upper part of the breasts. Breast uplift surgery alone cannot attain these results, and small breast implants may be inserted to achieve the desired result.
Is it possible to breastfeed after Breast Uplift Surgery?
This factor depends on the technique applied. This procedure can sometimes create difficulties with breastfeeding. It is essential to discuss this matter with the surgeon beforehand.
FAQ Breast
Please contact us for more information about Breast Uplift or combined surgical options for breast rejuvenation. Contact Us