
Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Medicine: Non-invasive Cosmetic Treatments for the Body

There is a wide range of minimally invasive cosmetic treatments available. Primarily, they are used to hydrate skin, slow down the ageing process, increase skin elasticity and tighten the skin. Aesthetic medicine is also used to prevent and treat stretch marks, hair removal, and other skin concerns.
I trattamenti possibili sono:

Permanent hair removal

Chemical peels to improve texture and tighten skin

Hyaluronic acid or multivitamin complex injectables to rejuvenate the skin

PRX-T33 skin peel to regenerate skin

Dermapen microneedling to stimulate collagen and rejuvenate the skin

Non-surgical lift with PDO dissolving threads to tighten, rejuvenate and refresh skin

A non-surgical lift with Silhouette Soft dissolving threads to tighten skin

Light therapy (Intense Pulsed Light) to treat sun damage and uneven pigmentation.

Laser treatments

  • Epilazione progressivamente duratura
  • Ringiovanimento de rassodamento con peeling chimici
  • Biorivitalizzazioni mediante infiltrazioni con acido ialuronico, complessi multivitaminici etc.
  • Biorivitalizzazioni mediante peeling Prxt33
  • Biorivitalizzazione mediante Dermapen® (microneedling)
  • Ringiovanimento, rivitalizzazione, rassodamento mediante fili riassorbibili in PDO
  • Ritensionamenti con fili riassorbibili Silhouette Soft®
  • Fotoringiovanimento e trattamento macchie mediante Luce Pulsata Intensa
  • Trattamenti laser

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery for the Body

Reconstructive surgery is used to repair the appearance and restore the function of areas affected by birth defects, trauma or tumours with the aid of a wide range of highly individualised surgical techniques, tailored to suit the patient's requirements. Below we detail a range of issues which plastic and reconstructive surgery can treat:

Skin and soft tissue damage after cancer treatment




  • Tumori cutanei e dei tessuti molli
  • Traumi
  • Ustioni della superficie corporea
  • Malformazioni